Latest posts

C# - WCF Client Certificate
C# - Install Certificate
React - Form
MVC - FormUrlEncodedContent()
ES6 - Fetch
Parcel - Set-up
JS: call(), apply(), bind()
JS: ES6 Tips and Tricks


This page is written in Jekyll and hosted on GitHub (Free!). The goal of this site is to document what I've learned through my journal as a Software Engineer. And learn something new everyday. Don't waste your day without learning anything. You may find different topics on FrontEnd and BackEnd. However, these are not explicit examples.

There aren't many topics right now as I just started. Feel free to browse around!

Recent projects

picture of west horseshoe bay resturant

West Horseshoe Bay

One page web application using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Jquery, Boostrap, and AngularJS.

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picture of Kent Chinese Alliance Church

Kent Alliance Church

Chinese Church web application using HTML5, CSS3, WordPress CMS, and Boostrap.

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