Hoisting is the mechanism in JavaScript where variables are moved to the top of the script and then run. This is because, JavaScript doesn’t have lexical scoping.
function hoisted() {
i = 5;
// output: 5
// output: type error, testOne is not a function
// output: "I am test two"
var testOne = function() {
return "I am test one";
function testTwo() {
return "I am test two";
var i = 10;
This is how JavaScript sees your declaration.
function hoisted() {
var testOne;
function testTwo() {
return "I am test two";
var i;
i = 5;
// output: 5
// output: type error, testOne is not a function
// output: "I am test two"
testOne = function() {
return "I am test one";
i = 10;
The difference is that the function testOne didn’t get hoisted because it was a variable declaration. Variable “i” gets its declaration hoisted and assigned.
It’s ideal to declare your variables at the top of your function and declare your function next.