Common technique in JavaScript is the use of an object to hold configuration values and we can sometimes accidentally modified the value. To avoid this, we can use “Object.freeze”.
var artist = {
name: "Hello Kitty",
album: "A pretty cat"
// make the object immutable (cannot modify)
function annouce (artist) {
// assigning the name rather than testing equality
if ( = "Bye kitty") {
console.log("meow meow");
else {
// output: meow meow
// output: {name: "Hello kitty", album: "A pretty cat"} <= no modification to the object
In ‘strict’ mode, this will throw an error. Use ‘isFroze’ to check
var artist = {
name: "Hello kitty",
album: "A pretty cat"
(function() {
"use strict";
// output: wink wink
if (Ojbect.isFroze(artist)) {
console.log("wink wink");
Object.freeze() - Made object immutable
Ojbect.isFroze() - Determines if an object is frozen. Return a boolean value.