What is TypeScript
?TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. Any browser. Any host. Any OS.
TypeScript Features
TypeScript has these key features:
TypeScript Example
class Greeter {
greeting: string;
construtor (message: string) {
this.greeting = message;
greet() {
return "Hello, " + this.greeting;
Important Keywords and Operators
: container for members such as properties and functions
: provides initialization functionality in a class
: export a member from a module
: extend a class or interface (inheritance)
: implement an interface
: import a module
: defines code contract that can be implemented by types
: container for classes and other code
public / private
: member visibility modifiers
: rest parameter syntax. Allow you to pass a comma separated list of objects or items
: arrow syntax used with definitions and functions
: < > characters use to cast / convert between types
: separator between variable / parameter names and types
Code Hierarchy
Grammar: Type Inference
// this using type inference to determine that num is going to be of typed 'number'
// because the initialize number is '2' which typescript will check the type for you. 'type: number'
var num = 2;
// the ':' is annotation and 'number' is the type of the variable. Clearly define this is typed number
var num: number = 2
// type could be any type (any). This could be anything, a number, object, string, etc...
var any1;
// type annotation
var num1: number;
// type annotation setting the value
var num2: number = 2;
// type inference (number)
var num3 = 3;
// type inference (number)
var num4 = num3 + 100;
// type inference (string)
var str1 = num1 + 'some string';
// error
var nothappy : number = num1 + 'some string';
Definitely Typed
You can find the list of definitely types in the locations below.
Using the Defintely Typed in Project
If you download the definitely types into your project, it will create a folder named typings
and you can drag and drop the filename.d.ts file to your file.
/// <reference path="typings/knockout/knockout.d.ts" />
declare var ko: KnockoutStatic;
module test {
var name = ko.observable("John Smith");
var id = ko.observable(1);
var guy = {
id: id,
fullName: name
// 'fullName' is a function so () is needed when invoke
var value: string = guy.fullName();
Any and Primitive Type
Any: Represents any JavaScript value
// no static type checking
var data: any;
var info;
Primitive Type: number
var age: number = 2; // explicit typing
var rating = 98.32; // inference
Primitive Type: boolean
var hasData: boolean = true; // explicit typing
var isReady = true; // inference
Primitive Type: null
var num: number = null;
var str: string = null;
var isNull: boolean = null;
var customer: {} = null;
Primitive Type: undefined
var age: number; // this is a typed number but also 'undefined' because it hasn't set anything yet
var customer = undefined;
Array and Indexers
var names: string[] = ['John', 'Michael', 'Tom'];
var firstPerson: string;
firstPerson = names[0]; // indexer
Applying String Array
function getArrayLength(x: string[]) {
var len = x.length;
return len;
var names: string[] = ['John', 'Michael', 'Tom'];
var firstPerson: string = names[0];
Object Types
Examples: Functions, class, module, interface, and literal types
May contain:
// object literal
var square = { h: 10, w: 20 }; // inference
var shape: object = { x: 10, y: 20 }; // explicit typed
// function also become object
var multiply = function (x: number) {
return x * x;
// '?' mark next to the w means optional
var square = function (rect : { h: number; w?: number; }) {
// check if w is there
if (rect.w === undefined) {
return rect.h * rect.h;
return rect.h * rect.w;
// explicit set sq1 to number typed
var sq1: number = square({x: 10});
console.log(sq1); // output: 100
var sq2: number = square({x: 10, y: 40});
console.log(sq2); // output: 400
Arrow Function
Arrow function expression
var myFunc = function (h: number, w: number) {
return h * w;
// arrow function example
var myFunc = (h: number, w: number) => h * w;
// return void
var greetMe : (msg: string) => void;
module test {
// define interface
interface SquareFunction {
// accept a value that being passed in which is a 'number' and return a 'number'
(x: number): number;
var squareBasic: SqaureFunction = (num: number) => num * num;
Interface can accept ‘option’
// interface rectangle
interface Rectangle {
h: number;
w?: number;
// define a function that uses interface and return a number
var square: (rect: Rectangle) => number;
// define a rectangle object with properties
var rectA = { h: 10 };
var rectB = { h: 10, w: 40 };
square = function (rect) {
if (rect.w !== undefined) {
return rect.h * rect.h;
return rect.h * rect.w;
// define a 'Person' interface
interface Person {
name: string;
age?: number;
kids: number;
calcPets: () => number;
makeYounger: (years: number) => void;
greeting: (msg: string) => string;
// create an instance
var p: Person = {
name: "John",
age: 30,
kids: 0,
calcPets: function () {
return this.kids * 2;
makeYounger: function (years: number) {
this.ages -= years;
greeting: function (msg: string) {
return msg + ", " + this.name;
var pets = p.calcPets();
console.log(pets); // output: 0
var newAge = p.age;
console.log(newAge); // output: 15
var msg = p.greeting("Good day to you");
console.log(msg); // output: Good day to you, John
// interface
interface SessionEval {
addRating: (rating: number) => void;
calcRating: () => number;
function sessionEvaluator(): SessionEval {
// create array variable
var ratings: number[] = [];
// create function expression
var addRating = (rating: number = 5) => {
// create function expression
var calcRating () => {
var sum: number = 0;
ratings.forEach(function (score) {
sum += score;
return sum / ratings.length;
return {
addRating: addRating,
calcRating: calcRating
var s = sessionEvaluator();
console.log(s.calcRating()); // output: 4.75