C# - Collections

Collection Summary

Name: List<T>

Strength: A growing array

Name: Queue<T>, Stack<T>

Strength: For FIFO and LIFO

Name: HashSet<T>

Strength: Unique items only

Name: LinkedList<T>

Strength: Flexible inserts

Name: Dictionary<Tkey, Tvalue>

Strength: Quick look up by key

Name: SortedSet<T>, SortedList<Tkey, Tvalue>, SortedDictionary<Tkey, Tvalue>

Strength: Sorted & unique, Sorted & memory efficent, Sorted, fast insert and removals

List<T> Example

List<Employee> employee = new List<Employee>();
employee.Add(new Employee { Name = "John" });
employee.Add(new Employee { Name = "Alex" });

LinkedList<T> Example

LinkedList<int> links = new LinkedList<int>();

var first = links.First;
links.AddBefore(first, 5);

foreach (var link in links)
    Console.WriteLine(link); // output: 5 3 2


// FIFO data structure
Queue<Employee> line = new Queue<Employee>();
line.Enqueue(new Employee { Name = "A" });
line.Enqueue(new Employee { Name = "B" });
line.Enqueue(new Employee { Name = "C" });

while (line.Count > 0)
    var employee = line.Dequeue();
    Console.WriteLine(employee.Name); // output: A B C

Stack<T> Example

// LIFO data structure
Stack<Employee> stack = new Stack<Employee>();
stack.Push(new Employee { Name = "A" });
stack.Push(new Employee { Name = "B" });
stack.Push(new Employee { Name = "C" });

while (stack.Count > 0)
    var employee = stack.Pop();
    Console.WriteLine(employee.Name); // output: C B A

Dictionary<Tkey, Tvalue> Example

var dict = new Dictionary<string, Employee>();
dict.Add("A", new Employee { Name = "A" });
dict.Add("B", new Employee { Name = "B" });
dict.Add("C", new Employee { Name = "C" });

foreach (var item in dict)
    // output: A : A, B : B, C : C
    Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", item.Key, item.Value.Name);

Dictionary<Tkey, Tvalue> Example #2

var dict = new Dictionary<string List<Employee>>();

dict.Add("Sales", new List<Employee>
    new Employee { Name = "A" },
    new Employee { Name = "B" },
    new Employee { Name = "C" }

dict["Engineering"].Add(new Employee { Name = "D" });

foreach (var department in dict)
    foreach (var item in department.Value)
        Console.WriteLine(item.Name); // output: A B C D

SortedDictionary<Tkey, Tvalue> Example

var sortedDict = new SortedDictionary<string, List<Employee>>();

sortedDict.Add("Sales", new List<Employee>
    new Employee {Name = "Tom"},
    new Employee {Name = "Jerry"},
    new Employee {Name = "Heather"}

sortedDict.Add("Enginnering", new List<Employee>
    new Employee {Name = "Vic"},
    new Employee {Name = "Chris"}

foreach (var dep in sortedDict)
    // output 1: The count for Engineering is 2
    // output 2: The count for Sales is 3
    Console.WriteLine("The count for {0} is {1}", dep.Key, dep.Value.Count);