Angular 2 - The Basic

Create Nested Components

Create recipe-item component under recipe-list componenet. The --spec false tells angular don’t create this file.

ng g c recipe-list/recipe-item --spec false

Create Model

Simply create the model.ts file within your project. (e.g: recipe.model.ts)

export class Recipe {
    public name: string;
    public description: string;
    public imagePath: string;

    constructor(name: string, desc: string, imagePath: string) { = name;
        this.description = desc;
        this.imagePath = imagePath;

How to Use Model

Within your component.ts file (e.g: recipe-list.component.ts)

export class RecipeListComponent {
    recipes: Recipe[] = [
        new recipe('recipe name', 'recipe description', 'recipe image path');

To loop through the recipe. In your HTML file.

<div *ngFor="let recipe of recipes">
    <div>{ { } }</div>
    <div>{ { recipe.description } }</div>
    <img [src]="recipe.imagePath"/>


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