C#: Three Pillars


Encapsulation helps hide complexity. There are five access modifier.

  • Public: Any public member can be accessed from outside the class.
  • Private: Only functions of the same class can access its private members.
  • Protected: Allows a child class to access the members of its base class. (Inheritance)
  • Internal: Allows a class to expose its members to other functions and objects in the current assembly.
  • Protected internal: Allows a class to hide its members from other class, except a child class within the same application.
public HelloWorld() { ... }

private string _name;

private List<float> names;


Inheritance is a technique where you can define a relationship between two classes such that one class takes on or inherites the memebers of another class. so if class A has one method, DoWork, then class B can also have that same method, just by inheriting from class A and not writing any additional code, but reusing the code already in the first class. If class B wanted to have an additional method, it can.

public class A
    public void DoWork
        // code here...

public class B : A
    // code here...

public class C : B
    // code here...


Polymorphism == many sharpes.

  • One variable can point to different types of objects
  • Objects can behave differently depending on their types
public class A
    public virtual void DoWork()
        // code here...

public class B : A
    public override void DoWork()
        // optionally call into base...