TS: Get Started

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. Any browser. Any host. Any OS.

TypeScript Features

TypeScript has these key features:

  1. Supports standard JavaScript code
  2. provides static typing
  3. encapsulation through classes and namespaces
  4. support for constructors, properties, functions
  5. define interfaces
  6. => function support (arrow function/lambdas)
  7. intellisense and syntax checking

TypeScript Example

    class Greeter {
        greeting: string;
        construtor (message: string) {
            this.greeting = message;

        greet() {
            return "Hello, " + this.greeting;

Important Keywords and Operators

class: container for members such as properties and functions

constructor: provides initialization functionality in a class

exports: export a member from a module

extends: extend a class or interface (inheritance)

implements: implement an interface

imports: import a module

interface: defines code contract that can be implemented by types

namespace: container for classes and other code

public / private: member visibility modifiers

...: rest parameter syntax. Allow you to pass a comma separated list of objects or items

=>: arrow syntax used with definitions and functions

<typeName: < > characters use to cast / convert between types

:: separator between variable / parameter names and types

Code Hierarchy

typescript code hierarchy

Grammar: Type Inference

    // this using type inference to determine that num is going to be of typed 'number'
    // because the initialize number is '2' which typescript will check the type for you. 'type: number'
    var num = 2;

    // the ':' is annotation and 'number' is the type of the variable. Clearly define this is typed number
    var num: number = 2

    // type could be any type (any). This could be anything, a number, object, string, etc...
    var any1;

    // type annotation
    var num1: number;

    // type annotation setting the value
    var num2: number = 2;

    // type inference (number)
    var num3 = 3;

    // type inference (number)
    var num4 = num3 + 100;

    // type inference (string)
    var str1 = num1 + 'some string';

    // error
    var nothappy : number = num1 + 'some string';

Definitely Typed

You can find the list of definitely types in the locations below.

  1. GitHub
  2. Nuget
  3. In Visual Studio => Tools => NuGet Package Manager => Manage NuGet Packages for Solution => Search definitely typed

Using the Defintely Typed in Project

If you download the definitely types into your project, it will create a folder named typings and you can drag and drop the filename.d.ts file to your file.

    /// <reference path="typings/knockout/knockout.d.ts" />
    declare var ko: KnockoutStatic;

    module test {
        var name = ko.observable("John Smith");
        var id = ko.observable(1);
        var guy = {
            id: id,
            fullName: name

        // 'fullName' is a function so () is needed when invoke
        var value: string = guy.fullName();

Any and Primitive Type

Any: Represents any JavaScript value

    // no static type checking
    var data: any;
    var info;

Primitive Type: number

    var age: number = 2; // explicit typing
    var rating = 98.32; // inference

Primitive Type: boolean

    var hasData: boolean = true; // explicit typing
    var isReady = true; // inference

Primitive Type: null

    var num: number = null;
    var str: string = null;
    var isNull: boolean = null;
    var customer: {} = null;

Primitive Type: undefined

    var age: number; // this is a typed number but also 'undefined' because it hasn't set anything yet
    var customer = undefined;

Array and Indexers

    var names: string[] = ['John', 'Michael', 'Tom'];
    var firstPerson: string;
    firstPerson = names[0]; // indexer

Applying String Array

    function getArrayLength(x: string[]) {
        var len = x.length;
        return len;

    var names: string[] = ['John', 'Michael', 'Tom'];

    var firstPerson: string = names[0];


Object Types

Examples: Functions, class, module, interface, and literal types

May contain:

  1. Properties
    • public or private
    • required or optional
  2. Call signatures
  3. Construct signatures
  4. Index signatures
    // object literal
    var square = { h: 10, w: 20 }; // inference
    var shape: object = { x: 10, y: 20 }; // explicit typed

    // function also become object
    var multiply = function (x: number) {
        return x * x;


    // '?' mark next to the w means optional
    var square = function (rect : { h: number; w?: number; }) {
        // check if w is there
        if (rect.w === undefined) {
            return rect.h * rect.h;
        return rect.h * rect.w;

    // explicit set sq1 to number typed
    var sq1: number = square({x: 10});
    console.log(sq1); // output: 100

    var sq2: number = square({x: 10, y: 40});
    console.log(sq2); // output: 400

Arrow Function

Arrow function expression

  • compact form of function expression
  • omit the function keyword
  • have scropt of this
    var myFunc = function (h: number, w: number) {
        return h * w;

    // arrow function example
    var myFunc = (h: number, w: number) => h * w;


  • used as return type for function that returns no value
    // return void
    var greetMe : (msg: string) => void;


    module test {
        // define interface
        interface SquareFunction {
            // accept a value that being passed in which is a 'number' and return a 'number'
            (x: number): number;

        var squareBasic: SqaureFunction = (num: number) => num * num;

Interface can accept ‘option’

    // interface rectangle
    interface Rectangle {
        h: number;
        w?: number;

    // define a function that uses interface and return a number
    var square: (rect: Rectangle) => number;

    // define a rectangle object with properties
    var rectA = { h: 10 };
    var rectB = { h: 10, w: 40 };

    square = function (rect) {
        if (rect.w !== undefined) {
            return rect.h * rect.h;

        return rect.h * rect.w;

    // define a 'Person' interface 
    interface Person {
        name: string;
        age?: number;
        kids: number;
        calcPets: () => number;
        makeYounger: (years: number) => void;
        greeting: (msg: string) => string;

    // create an instance
    var p: Person = {
        name: "John",
        age: 30,
        kids: 0,
        calcPets: function () {
            return this.kids * 2;
        makeYounger: function (years: number) {
            this.ages -= years;
        greeting: function (msg: string) {
            return msg + ", " + this.name;

    var pets = p.calcPets();
    console.log(pets); // output: 0

    var newAge = p.age;
    console.log(newAge); // output: 15

    var msg = p.greeting("Good day to you");
    console.log(msg); // output: Good day to you, John
    // interface
    interface SessionEval {
        addRating: (rating: number) => void;
        calcRating: () => number;

    function sessionEvaluator(): SessionEval {
        // create array variable
        var ratings: number[] = [];
        // create function expression
        var addRating = (rating: number = 5) => {

        // create function expression
        var calcRating () => {
            var sum: number = 0;
            ratings.forEach(function (score) {
                sum += score;
            return sum / ratings.length;

        return {
            addRating: addRating,
            calcRating: calcRating

    var s = sessionEvaluator();
    console.log(s.calcRating()); // output: 4.75