django - Create Project

Creating a project

cd into a director where you like to store your project/codes and run the command below

django-admin startproject mysite

Run server

Run the command below to start the dev server

python runserver

Start app

In Python Django app means different section of your application. If you have a shop then it’s shop app. If you have a forum, then it’s a forum app. To start an app, call the command below and it will create a folder name called music

python startapp music

Create a home page view

Under /music/

from django.http import HttpResponse

def index(request):
    return HttpResponse('<h1>hello world</h1>')

Under /mysite/


Under /mysite/

from django.conf.urls import include, url

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^music/', include('music.urls'))

Create model/database

from django.db import models

# pk will be created
class Album(models.Model):
    artist = models.CharField(max_length=250)
    album_title = models.CharField(max_length=250)
    genre = models.CharField(max_length=250)
    album_logo = models.CharField(max_length=1000)

# associate with any album. 'on_delete=models.CASCADE' is whenever album is deleted, song associate with it will be deleted as well
class Song(models.Model):
    album = models.ForeignKey(Album, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    file_type = models.CharField(max_length=10)
    song_title = models.CharField(max_length=250)

Activiting models

Once you have defined or updated the model. Run the command below to ensure it works with the DB correctly.

python makemigrations music

Sync the DB

Run the following command once you successfully made the migration. This will sync up the changes with the DB

python migrate

DJango shell

You can open up django interactive shell in your terminal from the command below. With this shell, you can write database commnads.

python shell

# once you are in the shell, you can add album object via the commands below
# retreive all album objects

# import Album and Song
from music.models import Album, Song

# Add album
a = Album(artist="artist_1", album_title="title_1", genre="genre_1", album_logo="logo_1")
b = Album()

# Save the changes

Special representation of an instance

When you type in Album.objects.all() you’ll always see something like Query[objects]. This is not useful. To change that in your Album class add the following def

def __str__(self):
    return self.album_title + ' - ' + self.artist


You can use filter method to filter through the albums

# return first album

# return an album that has artist name starts with 'my'
# output: [<Album: Punk - Myth>]

Admin interface

To create an admin, use the commands below

python createsuperuser

Once you filled up the info, go to your admin path. (e.g.

How to add music to the admin site

We want to able to make CRUD operation to the ablum

Under music/

from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Album

# Register your models here.

Add view

We want to add another view after music url. Something like /music/80

In your music/ add a detail view

urls(r'^(?P<album_id>[0-9]+)/$', views.detail, name='detail')

In your music/

def detail(request, album_id):
    return HttpResponse(f"<h2>Details for album id { album_id }</h2>")

Go to your

Connecting to the database

from .models import Album

# Album.objects.all() will return all album objects
def index(request):
    all_album = Album.objects.all()


Create a templates/music/index.html index file under music folder

In the file

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render
from .models import Album

def index(request):
    # get all albums from the DB
    all_album = Album.objects.all()
    # data context
    context = { 'all_album': all_album }

    # note that we don't need to pass in templates path as django already mapped behind the code
    return render(request, 'music/index.html', context)

in the index.html file

    <h3>You do not have any albums</h3>

This is faster better way to add related objects.

# fire up your django interactive shell
python shell

# import Album and Song
from music.models import Album, Song

# add songs to a specific album
album1 = Album.objects.get(pk=1)

# add song
album1.objects.create(song_title = 'song 1', file_type = 'mp3')

# to see all the songs we've added